The light of driver side isn’t clear as passenger side?
Online shopping is very convenient but always “surprise” you. Sometimes you ordered auto parts impulsively when you found the price is away far from others. After you receive and open the box, you will find out the product doesn’t meet your expectation. It’s very annoying to contact the seller, wrap the box and return it.
When we replace the lights, we usually replace both sides to prevent from different colors. Replacing both sides makes the car looks better and consistent. The picture below is an example that didn’t replace a pair of light.
It’s not only the appearance but the safety problem. For example, a car driving from the opposite which has different lighting colors or lighting intense will affect the driver’s reaction and judgment. The driver might think there are 2 motorbikes or they are different cars. It might cause car accidents easily.
Receiving unmatched color lens of lights?
Most clients replace a pair of lights at the same time. In fact, replacing headlights and corner lights is very easy by yourself. Many people buy lights online directly and install by themselves. Here’s a true situation from my friend, Sam, who purchased online and got a bad experience.
Sam bought a pair of corner light for his TOYOTA HILUX PICKUP 1987 4WD. He told me he got a very special offer from the seller.
“When I opened the box, I feel not happy and disappointed. The color of the lens is significantly different”, said Sam. “No one wants the parts like that”, I said.
I understood the price is really attractive, but absolutely not an excuse for bad quality. Sam decided to return the package so I provided him another one from the seller, BUY N TRY PARTS.
The question is, why the color of the lens isn’t matched even the product is purchase from the same seller (supplier)? Actually, the answer is in the process of manufacturing. It’s hard to make products of the same color in every batch production. The plastic material and the processing conditions should be exactly the same. This supplier might use a different brand of masterbatch (to reduce the cost.)
We can see clearly in the pic, the color of both sides is identical. All the items from BUY N TRY PARTS are inspected strictly and well-packed before the shipment.
Sam is so excited and can’t wait to put them on his car. (Although he changed his mind to put a chrome one.) Here’s the result.